Oath of Citizenship for Canada


You will be expected to recite the Canadian Oath of Citizenship in BOTH English and French on the day of the citizenship ceremony. You will be given a printed card with both the English and French versions of the oath on it. The presiding Judge will lead the taking of the oath and you will follow by repeating each sentence after the Judge says it. There will be Government employees monitoring that you are actually saying both versions of the Citizenship Oath for Canada.


Oath of Citizenship for Canada


I swear (or affirm)

That I will be faithful

And bear true allegiance

To her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second

Queen of Canada

Her Heirs and Successors

And that I will faithfully observe

The laws of Canada

And fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen


Je jure (ou j'affirme solennellement)

Que je serai fidèle

Et poerterai sincère allégeance

à Sa Majesté la Reine Elizabeth Deux

Reine du Canada

À ses héritiers et successeurs

Que j'observerai fidèlement les lois du Canada

Et que remplirai loyalement mes obligations

de citoyen canadien



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oath of citizenship not sworn on flag in Canada
In Canada the Citizenship Oath is not sworn on the flag.